Dinner with Brett and Janet Bergeson

Elder Nuniez and Elder Rigby
 We were delighted to receive this great text from Moses Lake last night.  Here is the exchange between Brother and Sister Bergeson

Them- We had these great missionaries over the other night from the Spanish branch... we love them.  We serve with them in the YW and Elders Quorum.  We are coming to Cedar City for Christmas and knew your son was from there.  We have them coming back to our home the Tuesday after Thanksgiving if you have something you want us to bring back for him.  We will be there Thursday and Friday (We have a son serving in Ghana right now).
Elder Nuniez, Brother Bergeson, and Elder Rigby
us- Hanging Christmas lights today and missing him.  This picture mad our day!  Yes, we would love to send something back to him.  Please let us know when you arrive. By the way, what are your names and who will you be visiting?

Them-  We are Brett and Janet Bergeson.  We are coming to spend Thanksgiving with my sister Debbie Taylor and her husband Rusty.  .
Us- Wonderful!  It will be nice to meet you!

I go to bed with a grateful heart tonight that the Saints in Moses Lake are taking care of Elder Rigby!

I just found this On Sister Lewis's Yakima Mission Blog

Elder Sanchez
I’m thankful for my companion. He helps me in my spiritual progression.
I’m thankful for my leaders. They care about me and make me feel loved.
I’m grateful for repentance and the miracle of forgiveness.
Elder Rigby
I’m grateful for Jesus Christ above all. No matter who I am or was, I can always change and become more clean, a better brother, a better son.
I’m grateful I can be with my family forever.
I’m grateful for Mexican food: tortillas, limes, incredible meat, salsa, soups, beans.
And I love the members here for their sincere hearts, for trying hard, for teaching me and for opening their hearts to us.


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