Text from Brewster

Hello Sister Rigby!  This is Sister Schoenwald from Brewster Washington.  Your son is an amazing young man and missionary!  We have four boys and they ae a handful but Elder Rigby is always so great with them and helps entertain them!  Today was tic tac toe and coloring on paper plates while the other elders were giving a church tour.  We are so lucky to have him in our branch!

I have wanted to ask for your number for some time now so I could text you and tell you how great he is.  There was one night that he was at our house for  dinner and our eldest son was being grumpy because and sad because he found out that my husband (who is the branch president) was going to leave right after dinner to go with the missionaries.  He came over to me with tears in his eyes saying how he was sad that dad was always gone.  I didn't think the elders had heard or saw what had taken place.  However, your son quietly walked over to Connor and told him how much he appreciated him and how thankful he was that he was sharing his dad with them so they could help with the missionary work.  Just the way he handled it, and talked to him made my mama heart melt.  It was such a small gesture that had a big impact.

Thank you sister Schoenwald!  My Mama heart needed this today!


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