Manga Larga

This week....
The devil was hitting me hard this week! Elder Ramirez has been lacking motivation to proselyte. He doesn't tell me much about it but apparently this kid is allergic to almost everything-gluten,eggs,dairy, peaches, etc. I have no idea what he's not allergic too! However he eats everything at dinner and thus he gets sick sometimes which weakens his resolve to work hard and because he doesn't talk much I don't know if he's just being lazy or if he really is in a bunch of pain! Anyways lack of interest during our companionship study and overall sluggishness has really kicked me in the face and tried my patience. 
I'm a loving guy and God forced me to pray to him constantly for help.
However, after a great interview with president where tears just fell from my face from expressing how I see so many people, especially families, here in Toppenish and I want to save them by bringing them to him but we're struggling to find them and I want to find them so bad! We tract, go to the area book, less actives. nothing is happening, and having a companion who's actions express a lack of faith that people are waiting for us is hurting me. 
Anyways, after the interview we went home and I just layed it on the table with Elder Ramirez and he just takes it, writes a list and said ok I'll do better this sounds reasonable. I'm not going to be able to completely change but I'll do better. Wow. What an example of humility. God bless him. 
We had, had one good lesson with the teenage sisters yahida and Betsida of the restoration and inviting them to read and pray about the book of mormon that went very well but besides that nothing and we had the goal of 1 on date of baptism
2 people at church 
3 new investigators 
saturday night we had

8pm saturday we were walking and I begged within my heart that "father please help me to find someone like my mom and her kids and a father that wants to change" 
later on the way a chi came out in the street in front of a family. I happily went over to get it out of the street and talk to this family. 

Anthony-father that the morning of threw away his marijuana plants to be a better example to his kids. He recently was divorced and married Sandra. Anthony had been talked to missionaries before
Sandra-Mom is working up to be a parol officer she has 6 kids. She is exactly like mom in the way if she wants something she gets it. She described how she grew up catholic but she wants to believe in something that she really believes in and right now she isn't feeling that in the Catholic faith. 
We talked with them and Elder ramirez did an amazing job on answering their question of "what rules does your church have" he bore powerful testimony of the effect of obedience to commandments for families!
She said, I'm interested. Elder Ramirrez invited them to come to church and she showed up the next morning with her 6 kids! MIRACLE!!!
We also found a boy name leo on sunday who lost his mom 3 years ago to cancer. Elder Ramirez again super relaxed sincere invite He inveited him to prepare for baptism and he said yes.
We achieved our goals. I know God listens to prayers I've been praying to find a family that will listen to us for 16 week and finally it happend.
Jesus lives!

Notes to home

Hey Madsen! I'm so glad you had a great trip to Colorado! Pretty jealous! That sounds rough good friend! I'm sorry. I remember days like that when it seems as if just by showing up you are in the wrong. Madsen I don't want you to shut up😀 I think you're great! Tell them I said to give you a break! 
I love what you said about no fear!!! Yes Madsen he wants to give us joy!
This is what God told me to listen up to this morning and I want to share it with you!
52 Behold, my beloved brethrenremember the words of your God; pray unto him continually by day, and 
give thanks unto his holy name by night. Let your hearts 
Madsen I may not be with you bro but I I genuinely care about how every day goes for you. I pray about you and I think about you. I think you are very strong. I've seen so much growth in you! Because you have fought to grow upward you will be able to give others strength as they grow as well! Let your heart rejoice madsen! Find your knees and kneel on them:) Thats honestly what saves me! Love you Bro! Keep the Fight! You're winning!
Hey!!!! Things are going great up here Emma! Miracles are real I'm telling you! You'll see what happend later...we are definately finding more people! I love toppenish the people are so much more humble and I make so many friends! Emma I'm trying to find stuff in common with this guy! He's very kind though he is patient with me when my Chicken burns and smokes up the apartment or he has to wait while I forget to get my medecine. Even this morning he woke up 30mins early to let me go for a run! We may not have a lot in common but he's really trying to be my friend! He was home schooled though so he's kind of weird but whatever we all are weird:)
Ok Emma. Close your eyes and imagine I'm there and then listen to this. You are so kind, friendly, and just being around you makes people happy you will have friends! To make sure, ask God to help you find friends! If he can help us find people to teach he can find friends for you! You know what! I sometimes feel like that too! That I waste time. It's very frustrating😑. When that happens say a little prayer for help! Oh Emma you're doing such a great job! Just keep at it! If you're having a hard time reading your scriptures and praying, simply ask God for help! Let him know Emma! He'll help you if you ask him! And then what has helped me so much is reading what I call "the best ones" great chapters that just make you feel good! This week when you're having a hard time reading! Go read 2 nephi 31:)
Love you Emma! You're doing such a great Job! I'll be praying for you!🍉💙
Let's go bro! I'm so pumped you're going to play!👏 Good to hear you're laying down some heavy hits! Way to be!
That makes me feel so good that you talked about me bro. Thanks so much man and you're trying to get #35 geeze love you brother. Thank you for supporting me and being there for me during the senior year when some nights I didn't play too well. You always listened.
Your goals and words very much impressed me Stockton. You've really grown. Hope you can see it! Stockton love the academic goals and how you are truly giving it your all and not coasting! You will do so well this year. Remember the achievements are great on the field but the greatest victories you will ever win are within your heart! Love the Book of Mormon Goal! This will be your saving grace man! hold tight to it! Don't be afraid to share something you found with someone member or not on the team to support them as well! CV needs jesus too!:) Thank you so much for your confidence in me and the scripture! I will do that! Above anything I could ever accomplish on this mission Stockton it would be to have all of us, ecspeacially you, Madsen, and I standing firm in the faith in Jesus Christ. God bless you Brother. Go kill it Friday! Mantengate fuerte en la fe de nuestro salvador jesus!
Hey Chief! Thanks for your words of wisdom! I still keep the words of Lehi you shared with me close to my heart! I will keep working with Elder Ramirez. He's lazy dad! haha imagine him laying on the couch after lunch struggling to get up and I'm already to go. It's going to drive me crazy! No it won't I'm just going to laugh about it! I don't know about the whole pick up sitiuation I'll ask my president! I love you dad and I'm so grateful for your words today that can help me! I know you're super busy with work and you're doing a great job! Thank you for helping my younger brothers and Emma believe in God! Love you Dad!
Mom Thanks a ton for your words I'm going to eat these up! Glad you liked my gift too! I WILL DO IT! oh but great news I'm running for fun! it's going great I'm not afraid in the morning! At the end of the 3 miles for the last 10 yards I act like I'm giving a bunch of people high fives. I even dabbed this morning! Haha! You're beautiful mom! I love you!
I didn't get an email from you Maleck! What's going on man? I'm totally kidding I love you Maleck! You are the coolest of the cool! I hope you have a great week in school!
Grandma Rigby
Hey Grandma thank you so much for your letter! Wow you make me feel so important and loved! You are a ray of sunshine! thank you for being my Angel Grandma! I'm so glad you're remebering how much Jesus loves you even more! Don't forget it and don't forget that I love you too:) Also thanks so much for the money wow am I lucky don't worry I'll share! 
Oh and Grandpa I just got your email thank you so much I want to read it right now but I have to share some miracles!
A letter  from dad
Madsen and I returned from Colorado – quick 3 day scouting trip.  Good and productive time.  Love spending time with my boys!  Mads and I thought of you and prayed for you together.  We witnessed more beautiful country and explored a unit filled with oil and natural gas wells with countless roads. Madsen is excited that we will not have to hike 16 miles when we return and experience his first elk hunt. My face smiles when I reflect on your first elk hunt, the steak and spaghetti dinner, the mac and cheese around the little camp fire at spike camp, the ups and downs of the pursuit, your scope eye and bloody finger after the shots, and the joy of completing your task.

I just finished watching your recent mission videos for the week and I want to provide you a little perspective around your current challenges (learning the Spanish language, worry about exercise, getting along with Elder Ramirez, and concern you are not accomplishing enough or helping others enough).  Just as with our elk hunt experience in New Mexico, everything did not go smoothly.  I did not prepare you enough for making a 400 yard shot nor did I site the gun in at 400 yards.  And as a result, the older brother of the two hunters ended up missing the biggest bull and settling for the loudest bull that ended up being smaller than the younger brother’s.  On top of it, your bull had a broken tine that you fretted about so much that I had the antler repaired. 

What I want you to understand Seleck is that I am a much better hunter because of the mistakes I made on that hunt.  I have achieved a great level of success in the field since that time.  Was our experience together in New Mexico a failure – not by a long shot.  Could it have been better? Absolutely!  But what you must understand is that every hunt I have gone on since that time has not been perfect.  Every journey and experience has required a great deal of effort AND a great amount of luck.  We are unable to manipulate the weather, the terrain, the habits of the creatures, the wind, and are quite frankly we are at the mercy of the heavens creations.  And so it is with every part of our lives – especially a mission.

In one of your videos you mentioned your gratitude for my mission and how it has blessed your life.  Do you think I was thinking about you while I was in Denmark?  No!  My thoughts were on the same issues – learning the language, doing enough, setting and achieving goals, getting along with companions . . .   But you are much wiser than me where you have captured a glimpse of your future.  Mom and I have done a better job than our parents making you aware of your future, but really you must realize that you are on another hunt – but one without your dad’s guidance.  I struggled and still struggle with thoughts and worries of not baptizing many people on my mission.    I regret having poor relationships with a couple of my companions.  The fact is this Seleck, the experience will never be close to perfect.  Just think for a minute if I could come out there and be your companion.  Do you think you and I would get along all the time?  Do you think that I would refrain from doing things that would annoy you?   Would it not be the same if your mom was able to join you and spend 24 hours a day / 7 days a week with you?  The point is this – your New Mexico experience can be looked at with disappointment and sadness or you can focus on the moments that really defined the experience as joyful, rewarding, and exciting where you learned much that prepared you for your future experiences.  And even more important, you were able to work on relationships with those you shared the experience with.  My experience with you those many years ago is a treasure.  I sit looking at the picture you painted from memory of the “Honey Hole” and my heart is filled with joy and love for you.  I would not have that nor the growth we achieved if we had not taken the difficult journey.

Find joy in the moment and realize you cannot manipulate your surroundings.  The wind and storms will come and go.  Umbrellas and rain jackets must be worn during the storms and you will need to find shade when the heat of the sun shines down.  Amidst the changing hours, continue to look at those things that can bring you happiness and contentment.

Regarding Elder Ramirez, I am sure he has never experienced a companionship like this current one.  You have drive and passion that many will never grasp.  When you tried to ask him to participate in one of your videos and he simply ignored you and tried to swat a fly – I felt myself journeying back to Frederikshavn with Elder Brockett – one Elder that I frankly have little desire to ever see again.  I am sure our companionship had similar struggles and challenges.  Remember you will never get along with everyone nor will you like everyone all the time.  Others will feel the same about you.  This is mortality!  But Seleck, Elder Brocket and I saw miracles and had spiritual moments.  We did not see a baptism together like many of my companionships, but we planted and sowed.  My time with Elder Brocket – just as with the New Mexico hunt – prepared me for my next areas and companionships where I was able to see success and continue to grow.  Keep things in perspective and realize everything in this life comes line upon line and precept by precept – here a little and there a little.  Soon you find yourself with a chest full of treasures and experiences that will make you into a man that will countless lives in both English and Spanish.  When I think back to Elder Brockett, I cannot remember details of our relationship struggles, but I can vividly remember some of those moments when the heavens opened – one being one of the top spiritual moments of my mission.

One piece of advice,  your time with Ramirez will be short.  Realize those things that you do that may annoy him or cause friction.  For example, he apparently does not like you taking videos.  Put your videos on hold and just take pictures for the remainder of your time with Elder Ramirez.  And don’t say anything to him about it.  Do not try to resolve all the differences and rather than talk about the differences, you just make small personal adjustments that will dispel friction.  For example. rather than videos, write letters.  After my experience with Brockett and one other companion, I was called to be a trainer and a zone and district leader where those experiences with earlier companionships allowed me to work with other missionaries to get along and find success with the Lord in the field.  Read D & C 4 again, but allow your focus to be on having the spirit within your companionship.  Realize you are currently in New Mexico, but will soon find yourself in another hunting spot – maybe Colorado!  Find joy and contentment within each day.

Remember what my mission president continued to say – “You will never know in this life what impacts you are having in the lives of others.”  You will never know in this life the difference your mission is making in your life or in the lives of others.

Love Dad!


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