Hello Everyone!
Thank you so much for all the emails! Everyone emailed me oh my goodness! Thank you so much! Mom, Dad, Stockton, Madsen, Emma, Maleck, and Grandpa!

Wow I've learned so much this week! But I'll answer some questions first:) love you mom!
Elder Sanchez
He is from Mexico but he speaks English too. He's a really corky and always makes noises during study time...I hate annoying noises:) He was that nice kid in high school that had more friends that were girls than guys...I could've learned a few things from him;) just kidding 

But seriously what a great Elder. I know I have him for a reason I am learning so much from him! He is teaching me that everything we do every second of the day needs to be focused on the people we have in our reach to help! We are different but I'm learning to be humble. Everyday we have a moment where I'm super glad he's my companion. I'm trying to get him to speak spanish so I'll learn it! HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO LEARN a language if no one speaks spanish!!! It's frustrating yesterday only 15% of the people we talked to were hispanic so you can imagine it's kind of tough. We've set some goals this week so I can be around spanish more it'll help!

Spanish Branch
Yes we are in a spanish branch! I can't understand nothing, nada, 0, zip, you thought it was hard before to stay awake, now it's even harder because  I try to listen and understand but can't:)...but I love the members they have so much faith. There are a lot of english wards in Moses but this branch covers the whole city which consists of 6 missionaries! They teach me what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus-ecspecially the old ladies they're really nice! I don't know why but they remind me of grandma weaver. I'm making a lot of friends with the young men and trying to get them to come spend some time with us it's difficult but it'll be so helpful for them. Many of them don't have many good male role models and hopefully we can be that older friend/example they never had! Also we are writing letters to members this week and really focusing on member missionary work I am so excited!

We drive a car. It's a Grandma car.  I don't really like it but it has some nice accessories. Elder Olson and Elder Saitman speak only English. Elder Olson is from Idaho and Elder Saitman is from Bountiful. Elder Olson's Dad died 2 months ago. He is very very sad. sometimes he cries at nights. I'm trying to be a better friend to him. He's not a perfect missionary but what an  example it is that he came back from his dad's funeral to the mission. I'm so glad I still have you Dad. I can't imagine my life without you.

My eating
I am eating more than toast. I'm learning some very valuable life skills of purchasing and making food... I eat very healthy but I would LOVE some very cheap healthy recepies.
tough as always ... better watch out brothers I'm going to look pretty good;
I can read them only during my email time. I only get emails from you family, Grandpa R, and Grandpa W thank you soooo much I love all of you and your emails help me a ton
Oh by the way bud...don't worry I'm staying away from the women

Moses Lake
REALLY FLAT, no pine trees, big lake, lot of churches, and really dry. no me gusta

This week was something else. It was a little hard I'll be honest but I'm learning so much and I'm so glad to see we are helping people.
At the beginning of this week, I went on an exchange with my zone leader. I loved it Elder Roe is so personal and kind! I talked english the whole day! It was so nice to be able to express myself! I hate packing my stuff up for exchanges to go to another apartment, but I love being around different Elders! There's something you can learn from everyone! 
I've really started to enjoy tracting! Most of the people we run into are white and go to some church I've never heard of before. Our conversations usually go something like this sometimes much better and others much worse... 
Us: hello how are you
them: I'm doing alright
us: good! wow I love your porch did you do it yourself
them: well yeah
us: nice that must of been a ton of work
them: yeah it was, hey we totally respect you guys but we go to church
us: what church? 
them: a christian church thats that isn't an acutal religion just a group
Us: share a truth
them: thank you and then slide into a goodbye
me.. I love getting to know new people I hope someday someone will be interested someday

The 3 investigators we talked about last week...
Jose Luis: dropped us very sad
Jorge Figueroa: love him he's like the mexican version of Jim Jensen haha stache and everything. He said at church yesterday that he's so excited for baptism I'm so excited! This week we will talk about the Book of Mormon he is slacking on his reading. These last couple of days we've learned what a tool the Book of Mormon is. When we believe the Book of Mormon is true we want to follow christ(be baptized), we believe in Christ and have hope for the future, and we know Joseph Smith is a prophet of god and the priesthood is real. I love the Book of Mormon.
Noe: we havn't been able to get ahold of him this week...very sad hopefully tonight we can talk to him. Even though it's hard I love when we talk to Latinos. They work so hard and are so kind. We will share the message of the plan of salvation centered upon how he will see his little girls again.
Yesterday we talked to a potential investigatior Jose Corea. We invited him to baptism and since he's catholic he said he has some disagreenments because we don't worship the virgin marry-a very common problem. but he said in a way he wants to work to baptism but it'll take a while. It was my first member lesson and the member was a good friend. so We have hope that in time he will be ready. This week we have a lesson with him at the church hopefully he will change his mind.
Oh and I bore my testimoiny at church in spanish it was amazing. I don't really know exactly what I said but a lot of people thanked me. I know the gift of tongues is real.

Thank you for your letter your note was very nice I love you so much! My missionary scripture is ETher 12:27. I am doing well I miss you guys but I know someday I will be at the dinner table with you once again. I can't wait for that day because I'll have my family with me again.

Thank you so much for your drawing Pal I loved it so much! Flag football is started and your the quarterback!! Wow! keep it up I'm sooo proud of you!. I love my mission a lot of studying and a lot of different people. Thanks for praying for me! I pray for you too. Love you Maleck1

I loved reading your part in the primary program! I'm so glad you've made the choice to be kind to people it is the savior's way. I heard you're being a leader at XC and you're running 2-3 miles a day! WOW you're amazing sooo proud of you. I'm so glad you like school I've been praying you would!

That's cool Basketball and Baseball are starting up! You're such a great player! keep working hard. Freshman year was a tough year for me but just keep a prayer with you and you'll get through it!! Love you bro!

I'm so sorry about your shingles bro that's sounds so painful. Sorry about the loss just keep working hard I know you'll get through this and be something incredible.
It sounds like you're going to have a great presidency! I'm so glad you're my DAd! Glad the buisiness is about to be sold! love you dad so much

I love you all. Remember that Christ Lives he loves us. Because our Father in heaven loves us, he sent his son. When we turn to our father in prayer, he will heal our broken hearts. I will pray for every single one of you this week. I'm sorry to hear that some of you are going through some rough times. God knows-

Thanks for the pictures Maleck!

let him comfort you. Love you all so much.
-Elder Rigby


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