Hola, It's my birthday week

April 16, 2018

Hola mi familia,
10:19 AM (13 minutes ago)

Hello! I do not know. I'm probably shorter then both Madsen and Stockton. Please don't tease too much.😬 I'm so glad that you are loving piano! I would love to hear you play that song I bet it sounds great! I bet your musical number was beautiful! Good luck with Sage testing! Great job for getting a 4! You are nominated for student of the month? Wow!  how about a visual reminder for praying! you could put up a sign that reminds you to pray! I love you Emma I'm very excited to see you as well I'm so excited to find and help more families in the mean time😁❤. You keep being amazing Emma! Love you!!!!
Hello Maleck! I'm so sorry about all the testing! Hang on you got this! Maleck you sure are playing some big positions for you team! In order to do that you must be very brave! Great job! It sounds like you are doing amazing! keep it up! You've been staying up late, playing x-box, and drinking mountain dew?! that sounds fun! Maleck stay strong finishing up school I know you'll do great! I'm also so proud you are being so brave in Baseball it makes me very happy! Being brave in baseball after I made mistakes has helped me become better after I make a mistake or am not so brave with someone I meet at their doorstep so keep it up! Keep practicing hard and stay in school you stinker!
Thank you for telling me more about your job! I think that's amazing Stockton! It makes me very happy to see that you are finding joy in helping others! I honestly pretty impressed! That's awesome! This has helped me find joy on the mission. It is truly the key to happiness! Sister Lewis told me this week that our lives are sort of like a pipe if we keep sharing the water we receive with others it just keeps coming and coming as we are giving and giving! so I hear from maleck that you are staying up late and getting tired of school. You are a stinker as well. Finish it my good friend! I love you a ton Stockton. I hope you have an amazing B-day this week! The big 18! I'm sending you a card💙
Hey pal! wow. That sounds hard! oh ya the kitchen! keep her calm madsen! Madsen, I imagine that this time of your life is pretty tough.(that's what you get for getting taller then me while I've been away) forget that I'm totally kidding. out of all seriousness Madsen I know that Jesus Christ sufferd the pains of every living creature man and woman and Children. He knows your pain and you have been sent to Earth to carry this burden that you may be able to find true joy. I know that all the struggles I've gone through in the past have helped me help others from a mom in our ward who's father's dying to my companion who has depression. God is preparing you by letting you lift a burden so that you may able to testify of the reality of his help. You now have the burden. Right now is a perfect time to understand the reality that we have a Savior by search for his help. go for it! Love you bro have a great week I'll pray for you!
Thank you for helping out Grandma and Grandpa. Poor guy! I will write him a card. Dad thank you for your words. I loved the personal aplication. I give many of these pictures out daily. I would love a painting of this picture of Jesus Christ. I absolutley love the shoes Thank you! I talked to president lewis he said you are just fine to come pick me up! I'm very excited. Dad i'm having the time of my life. I have never been happier and I doubt I will ever be more happy because this is beautiful. Please keep the Book of Mormon study going and please share the conference talk that President Nelson gave in the sunday morning session about following the spirit and prayer. All of this is true and all of your efforts are worth it. I'm so grateful I still have you and Mom who helped me get out here! A few extra dollars wouldn't hurt coming this way as well:) love you dad!
I love you! Your the best. I talk about you all the time with everyone! Thank you for following Jesus!
  • The Plan of Salvation pamphlet

Dear President
I'm sooooo excited to get my phone this week I'm already connecting names! Due to the fact that I need to download some files to a file to put on my phone my letter will not be as detailed I hope you understand.

I'm coming to know with a greater reality of the truthfullness of modern day revelation through living prophets and the the divine call of the prophet Joseph. I'm very grateful for his courage. I'm focusing on following the counsel of the prophet. 
I love the man! Poor guy struggling on finding the joy of the work. Forces on both sides of the veil are helping him don't worry!
we found a tremendous amount of potentials this week and we put them all down on a book so we got there name and when we go back we'll turn that hey guys I'm sorry I'm busy to.... Hector this message has made me so happy friend give us a chance! I'm very excited
Juan Gonsalez's Dad came to conference and he learned about tithing. he has some doubts and we are going to help him resolve them by helping him gain his own answer that Joseph is a prophet. Juan is doing great. We are also helping a returning less active's father. He has 3 weeks to live and we are going to prepare him for the other side. I love Hma. Sumano and she is going through so much I pray we can help her whole family to truly believe in God's plan even more.
2 baptism yesterday. Everyone's killing it. East is struggling a little bit but miracles are coming.


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