November- gaining momentum
mission life |
It doesn't get much better than this! |
Doing work! |
Hola Familia,
Hola Maleck! I'm glad you were able to go to the play! Sounds fun! You started Piano! That's great! I know you've probably heard this before but it is sooo helpful to know how to play the piano on the mission:) You filled 85% of the truck by yourself? That's impressive! I loved learning about ancient Rome as well! Best of luck with those times tables! Ok Maleck! I'll be sillier! Nice train track by the way that's super impressive!
Hey Mom! Thank you for all the updates with the family! I'll be sure to get that interaction in my videos! Woops sorry about the Christmas stocking P-days are pretty hard to manage already but I'll get it off to you next week:) I am trying to toughin up but I am getting cold and I would absolutely love a nice coat to wear turns out the missionary one was a bust!:( As well I would greatly appreciate some gloves, thermals, wool socks, and a hat! thank you so much! I really appreciate what I already have but It's getting cold
Turns out I've damaged my miniscus. I feel that this was God's way of loving me and correcting me for not running with/walking with Elder Ramirez. I'm now on a high dosage of IBprofin and exercises. thank you for the Anxiety exercise! I love you Mom! I'll do it! I'm making great strides you would be so proud!
Hey Dad! Wow big changes coming! An MPA? Back to school? Wow this is almost as big of a surprise as an arrow in my hand! It does make a great deal of sense. I don't know what to say but I have a peaceful feeling that you are very much being guided and this change will let you hit a new ridge in your life to help others in the way you have wanted with your career! I love you Dad!
Hey Stockton! I hope you're having a great week friend! Mom told me about your decision not to play basketball. I was thinking about how that was going to work out. I feel that this is the right choice. One thing God has been trying to teach me is that we can only do so much in all the aspects of our lives. We're not able to do everything within our desires-isn't that a kick in the teeth! However, I have faith that by obeying the commandments we will be guided to happiness we have not previously experienced. This Senior year sure has been a giant curve ball. I'm clear here in Washington and it even throws me for a curve Stockton I really hope you enjoy working a the PF it's a fun place! I know God is making you into a man that is going to help many people. As hard as it is sometimes accept what he wants you to be and run with it don't fight him. Give him what he asks-your heart. 6 Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Hol y Messiah; for he is full of g race and truth.
7 Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and un to none else can the ends of t he law be answered
.This week I've given up a lot of those things that have been distracting me from what's important. God has been able to help me be guided better and to make changes(repent) that are allowing me to feel more of God's love. Stockton I love you and from what it sounds like this year has been so hard let him take your heavy load by letting some things go that are distracting you from what's important.
Love you Stockton can't wait to eventually see who God has made you to be!
Hey Madsen! I heard Basketball tryouts are today! Nice! I'm excited to hear how your season goes! You seems to be getting pretty tall! I'm worried about that! Last week you talked about how things have been hard. I really hope you're doing well! I've been thinking about you this last week and still am! While I was again going on the rage of cleaning up the apartment I was listening to some conference talks. Some things came to my mind that I want to share with you! God's commandments are and indicator of who we can and will become. Jesus provided a way for individual deliverance! The truth is we all can change! This change can allow us to move out from under those dark clouds and see the light!
15 And thus he shall bri ng salvation to all those who shall believe on his name; this being the intent of this last sacrifice, to bring about the bowels of mercy, which over powereth justice, and bringeth about means unto men that the y may have faith unto repentan ce.
16 And thus mercy can satisfy the demands of justice, and en circles them in the arms of sa fety, while he that exercises no faith unto repentance is ex posed to the whole law of the demands of justice; therefore only unto him hat has faith un to repentance is brought about the great and eternal plan of redemption.
31 Yea, I would that ye would come forth and harden notyour hearts any longer; for behold, now is the time andthe day of your salvation; and therefo re, if ye will repentand harde n not your hearts, immediately shall the greatplan of redemp tion be brought about unto you .
Now is the day of your Salvation! I believe in you Madsen and so does Christ! Read this Chapter it's helped me out a ton! I invite you to cry out and move out from under the cloud that is making it hard for you to see his light! Tell me all about how practices go!
Hey Emma! I don't know how you are doing but I hope you are doing super well and you had a super Halloween! I imagine you're being smiley as usual! Just to let you know your sending of the cookie supplies was a big strike to the devil and his forces as many families feasted on no baked goodness encircled by the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ! You're a hero Emma! I love you!
You'll hear about the big details in the videos but I want to hit the biggest points.
We were challenged by our District Leader, my former Companion, Elder Sanchez to do something called a 40 fast. This is a period of time where we will be able to reset our lives by taking a break from things that are distracting us. I took 4 days to really figure out what I needed to do but here is the list of things that I'm going to do during this 40 day fast.
1. say I love the car 2. say I'm great at Spanish 3.Smile all the time 4. Make my prayers ecspeacialy more sincere by every morning and night making lists of grattitude and a small list of asking for mercies chicken products(eggs or chicken breasts), protein powder, and spinach-I have eaten scrambled eggs for almost a year and a half so this will be strange! 6.With whatever I'm doing ask why I'm doing or in other words hear the music of obedience and diligence don't just dance! My workout out routine has changed as well. instead of 30 minutes of cranking it out I will be doing 5minutes of stretches 5minutes of walking with Elder Adams 15minutes of exercises with Elder Adams and then 5 minutes of exercises for my knee 7.last of all God has asked me to not go out of my way to gain weight but to accept 10lbs of added weight
We met a couple Cris and Cassie and began teaching them. They are currently on date for Baptism for the 16th of December! They are reading the Book of Mormon and honestly very interested. (This is only for those who are older)As we finished the first of 2 lessons we had this week, we said a prayer together and then were on our way to leave when they asked us if they felt something was strange about their home. We truly did and Cassie went on to say how her 3 yr old son saw something previously this week. they asked us if we blessed homes. We did bless the home and I did the blessing. I felt that I needed to put my hand to the square and therefore I did. A light filled the room after the prayer. We stood outside for a little bit and then we felt the presence of a grand unseen battle taking place. The rest of the week has demonstrated very much of the unseen battle.
We are seeing success with the less actives families in the area but the greatest is coming with this young couple who does truly have desires to change.
Elder Adams is continually finding joy in simple things and teasing me.
I feel greater companionship of the spirit and it is opening my eyes to truly focusing on those people I've been commanded to help.
Yummy |
Columbia River Temple |
With Elder Sanchez |
Love these guys |
They guy who gave me the sandals! |
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