Buenos Amigos

seleck Rigby <seleck.rigby@myldsmail.net>Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 1:12 PM
To: amyanne rigby <fab5rigby@gmail.com>
Hola Familia,

Hey it's good to hear from you pal! Yes Elder Adams and I are having a great time. This morning he was asking me some specifics on cleaning the bathroom and then I asked him if he had ever cleaned a bathroom before the mission. I just laughed and told him,"so you can play a Cello profesionaly but don't know how to clean a bathroom?" He answered,"yes." I love this guy!
That's a tough choice man-my goodness rough stuff! I think it's been incredible how you have taken this trial with grace accepting the will of God along the way. I'm proud of you! I hope you enjoy working at PF what station are you working at right now? Stockton if I were you I'd be thinking "man this is rough I don't feel like I'm not worth as much because I can't play." Stockton what you're going through right now is preparing you to fight in your position in God's army. God was preparing me for mine before and now he's doing the same for you! This Scripture came to my mind for you Stockton. Love you man!
31 Yea, would that ye would come forth and harden not your hearts any longer; for beholdnow is the time and the day of your salvationand therefore, if ye will repent and harden not your hearts, immediatelshall the great plan of redemption be brought about unto you.
32 For behold, this life is thtime for men to prepare tomeet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day formen tperform their labors.
Hey Madsen thanks for getting back to me! I always get happy when you send me emails! Madsen what you said I thought was very profound and my mind has been along the same lines lately. All of us are looking for peace/something to satisfy our desires. For me Madsen sometimes I think well it would be so nice to be at at our little apartment where it is warm instead of knocking doors at 8pm where it is Cold and no one is answering.
Satan and the natural man tempts us to go to temporary fixes to bring us this peace almost a drink that quenches our thirst(going back to the apartment and heating up.  I want you to read this and study it Madsen... I love you and I know as you get to know Jesus Christ, just like I'm trying to do you can be healed from everything that's happening right now. I promise that I may not be around but he can if you invite him! Love you Madsen! 
There cometh woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.(For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buymeat.)Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being Jew, askest drink of me, which am woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest thegift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me todrink; thou wouldest have asked of himand he wouldhave given thee living water.11 The woman saitunto him, Sir, thou hast nothing todraw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hastthou that living water?12 Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave usthe well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, andhis cattle?1Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that shall give him shall never thirstbut the water that shall give hims hall be in him well of water springing up into everlasting life.15 The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, thatthirst not, neither come hither to draw.16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and comehither.17 The woman answered and said, have no husband.Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, have nohusband:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thounow hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, perceive that thou artprophet.20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say,thain Jerusalem is the place where men ought toworship.21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hourcometh, when yshall neither in this mountain, nor yet atJerusalem, worship the Father.22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what weworship: for salvation is of the Jews.23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the trueworshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and intruthfothe Father seeketh such to worship him.24God is a Spiritand they that worship him mustworship him in spirit and in truth.25 The woman saith unto him, know that Messias comethwhich is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.
Hey Emma! So glad you had a great week! Hot Chocolate at Midnight sounds like a lot of fun! Interesting with the eyebrows haha! The temple sounds so beautiful! It's so exciting! I'm glad you're setting up Christmas decorations sounds so fun! I Love you Emma! It makes me so happy that you love the temple so much! Oh we can go to the temple together because now you're old enough! That's cool! You have a great week as well!! Love you tons!💙

Hey Mal! Fun to hear you're playing with Legos! You're playing a math game nice! That's too bad about Ty not being in our ward anymore! You're sick!?! that's too bad I'm sorry I got sick too Elder Adams let me borrow his hat! Hope you get feeling better! Thanks I hope my knee gets feeling better too! I love you Maleck! You're an awesome fun guy! I love you tons! Stay cool!😎
Grandma and Grandpa Rigby!
Hello! Grandpa! I can see your smile behind those words! Thanks for watching out for my siblings I love you! It sure made me smile the way you described all the people! I with you there as well! I loved those times when it was just us fishing! Toppenish is pretty small so I love it! I'm so excited to receive the envelope! Grandma you look so healthy, happy, and pretty in your picture in front of Mt. Rushmore! I love you tons and hope your shoulder keeps recuperating! Love you Both! Have a great time in California!

Photos from zone conference- mission life
Hey Mom! 
The work is going super well but I'm Cold and broke:) Just kidding It's not bad I'm just laughing because I was trying to down size from the move from Brewster like President suggested and.... I accidentaly left my hat and gloves! I'm super sorry dumb choice. please forgive me.
Turns out the coat we got from the missionary store no sirve-it doesn't work:) 
Elder Adams has let me use his hat this week but some thermals, gloves, a hat, wool socks, and a coat would work wonders. I feel so ungrateful put this would be so great!
I hope you're doing well with Dad in New Mexico! Sounds like a big change with the ward boundries. It made me laugh to hear about you going to do some tracting! We call it Tocar-to knock. Best of luck!!! To get some help you may want to look in Chapter 9 of Preach my Gospel-having the faith to find:)
I'm getting a haircut today I can't get it in the mail until next week...sorry:( I
ve loved this week! Zone Conference was great...I have so much info I can't get it out right now! My knee-no sirve-it doesn't work who knows. I believe God smote me because I didn't run with Elder Ramirez, but God chastens who he loves We have so many but people get to the point where they accept a baptisimal date and they fall off! Frustrating but we keep the fight going! I DO not want to get transfered next Wednesday I love this place! I did tell him you play the Cello! He also said we could go stay out his house 1hr away from Boston if we wanted in the future! We're having a good time! He bought us some dart guns and we're going to go play with those today!
I have not sent last weeks videos but you're about to get 2 weeks of goodness in the mail this week check it out!

What a fun Week!
I want to start out with yesterday at Church! We had our good friend Joshua Brownowl come to church! Everyone welcomed him very warmly with his sweats, purple wind breaker, and bob marley beany. I love this 26 year old guy! In Gospel Principles he asked our ward mission leader if he could play us a song just as sign of thanks. He came up, pulled up the recording on Youtube and played his slow Christian Rap called Poetry. The favorite song he's showed me is Beautiful City and his name is Marvalous. Check it out on You Tube!

We found an amazing couple, Yamalette and Dante, they accepted a baptismal invite with so much joy and determination and then they fell off the face of the Earth good thing the Rigbys are hunters-we'll get them
We found Germaine again! Turns out her husbands brother tried to commit suicide and this really shook her whole family up so she put herself in a box for a while but we'll see her on tuesday!

We had a great family home evening with the Ibarra family and Yahaida(16) and her mom. Sister Ibarra is awesome! We have helped restart their missionary fire by helping their adopted daughter prepare for baptism and bringing families to church on occasion-it will become more consistent:)

We also were able to share the Joseph Smith story while a family was having a big get together! it was fun! I walked up and said hey I don't speak so great but we're messangers from Jesus Christ and you're going to love our message! The older ones didn't want to listen to much but we found a 21 yr old girl named alondra!
We've also been helping the recenly divorced mother Maria regain her hope! She has had terrible pain in her knees, she's struggling with depression, and she is meanwhile trying to support her 2 teenage sons. They're a busy bunch but she has such a great heart we have to help her!

Elder Adams and I are getting along really well. What a great friend. He gives me this little hugs on my arm during the morning which makes me want to punch him sometimes. I need to get more patience and love like this guy!

I'm feeling better but what this whole week has led me too is to where I want to change my nature. I want to get to know Christ so well that all my senses and natural desires are overpowered by the love I have for Christ. I've realized lately that the greatest desire I have is to help my brothers and my sister. I have this desire because I love them. I love them because I know them. It's time to accelerate my course to know Christ! I'm so grateful to be in Toppenish. I love these people. I pray that my love for God and my Brothers and sisters will allow me to silence the desires I personally have. God live! #Lighttheworld or #iluminaalmundo which ever one I never know what language they're going to be speaking:)

Love Elder Rigby


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