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I feel very grateful today. Your prayers have changed so much of how I am newly approaching my mission. For the first time, in I don't know how long I want to be happy and laughing. 

 A note from Elder RIgby's mom- (as requested Elder Rigby went and visited a few of the murals in Toppenish for me)
The Toppenish Murals began in 1989 with the inaugural mural titled “Clearing the Land”. The idea was formed when state seed money was distributed to small communities in correspondence with the State of Washington’s centennial celebration. A group gathered and brainstormed the idea of historical murals and hosted the first annual MURAL-IN-A-DAY event in which an entire wall sized mural is painted in one day by a dozen different artist. Since the first mural was completed a Mural Society was formed and the organization has completed 74 additional murals, including 1 mural in a day each year on the first Saturday in June. Hundreds gather to come and watch paint dry.
The Mural Society has sustained the mural program for 25 years based solely on private donations and support. There are no public or tax dollars used to put any murals up in town. The board of 10-12 meets once a month and governs the creation of new murals, the location, the maintenance and up-keep, fundraising, etc. There are strict guidelines for each mural as the criteria set by the board is that they must all be historically accurate from 1840-1940 and also be historically accurate to the area.
The artist are commissioned to paint the mural after a rigorous proofing process. The proofs are all displayed at the Visitor’s Center. Artists include local, regional and national talent. Many of whom have worked on more than one mural. 2014 commemorates the 25th Anniversary of the Murals.

 Notes home
Grandpa Rigby
I am glad Grandma is feeling well enough to allow you to leave the house. It brings great memories to remember our four wheeling trip. I've been reading all about trees in Jacob 5 as of late and how the good trees/branches bring forth fruit. Grandpa, your prayers are manna from heaven for me and I know they have certainly helped me as of late see the light. I feel so blessed to know you and Grandma are praying for me! I truly love my mission and your prayers really help me see the beauty of it! I love you!

Hey sel, (Emma's letter to Elder Rigby)
 how are you doing? What is the weather like up there? Today I taught family home and we learned how to manage stress. Get enough sleep, express gratitude, exercise regularly, dress for the weather, keep a log for the week, unwind during the last hour of the day follow a routine each night. These are some things you might be able to do if you have stress. We only have one week of xc left then on Saturday we are running to the temple, it is almost 6 miles. School is going great. I love my friends. My teachers are great also. Seleck always remember this, where ever you are peace and hope is always available. I hope you have a great week. love you lots.
Emma (Elder Rigby's response to Emma)
Hey sweety! I'm doing really well today thanks:) It's turning fall up here and getting a little colder! Emma that's so great you gave a family home evening lesson! Thank you for that Emma I'll really try to do that. I felt like I needed to express more gratitude and so I'm glad God is telling me twice through you:) Best of luck with you last week of XC! you're so cool Emma I can tell you're getting wiser! Thanks for taking time for me! Love you!

 Maleck's letter to Seleck
Are you making new investigators? I am sending you a picture. We are going to send you halloween candy for you to give to the kids. I am going to be a blow up costume for halloween.  Are you going to be a missionary for halloween? How are you doing?  I had a football game on 9 am on Saturday and Wednesday.  We won one game and lost the other.  

How is your companion doing?  Love you and miss you.

Maleck (Elder Rigby's response

Hey Maleck! Yes we are getting new investigators! We knock a bunch of doors and I'm getting some pretty good calisises from knocking! A blow up costume! sounds pretty cool! yes I am going to be a missionary! I'll have to buy an orange tie! I'm doing better Maleck I feel more at peace! Sounds like football is going great Maleck! Elder Adams is being really nice! I love you and miss you too! keep following Jesus! You're cooler than cool:)

Hey mom!
Thank you for calling me to repentance. To be honest a huge factor of my anxiety has been my inability to vent. I have not expressed myself in English throughout the day because I've been so focused on trying to follow the the lord's counsel of Preach my Gospel and the Missionary handbook of trying to use my mission language as much as possible. This has drove me absolutely nuts. It is impossible for me to do this. It led me to a point last week where I kind of freaked out and yelled and hit a chair to the floor and expressed to elder Adams how I'm going crazy. It felt really good actually but the point is I got to let this anxiety go by not obsessing about the language and allowing myself to express myself in English. I did this yesterday and it truly helped. We went to be laughing as I told some stories of the past. I even told him about your high heals.:) I love you mom I know your words are God's counsel to me I love you! During a lesson with Perla this week I saw you hug her and it made my heart burst I'm so excited for you to meet these people mom. Thank you for always being there for me. Christ will beat this.

Hey Dad. I don't know what to say. I feel incredibly blessed beyond words for the prayers all of you offer for me. I don't understand why I have such a great family or why I have such a great companion. He gives me hugs and is so patient. I don't know why I have so many friends. Dad your words hit home. To be honest Dad I don't have the answers to a lot of questions. Sometimes I wonder why I'm here. Why God doesn't want me to know Spanish perfectly-all though I do pretty good:) I've always thought that if I give my best I'll make it. The truth is I'll never make it, but I think that's the beautiful thing that no matter how tall we are the heavens let us grow forever. I love you and I'm so excited for the hunts. The Elders tease me and say I'll get married real quick but I told them no! I have to go hunting with my dad for 2 years or 3 first:)

I read all your emails and it took me a while so I don't have too much time! Videos are on the way. Please send more SD cards:)

Before I came out on the mission, I felt like I could do everything. I felt that if I pushed hard enough even the hardest barriers would break. This mission has been a brick wall for me and I've been smacking myself into it as hard as I can. However, this wall was never meant for me to break. 

10 how great the goodness of our God, who prepareth the way for our escape from thgrasp of this awful monster; yea, that monster, death and hellwhich call the death othe body, and also the death of the spirit.

I can't do it. I give up! I'll never be able to be who I want to be because I'm imperfect! I'm letting it go and just doing what I can. I've tried to carry a weight that's too heavy and not meant for me to carry. This has caused a lot of pain. I'm done with that! God has prepared the way I just need to make the choice to get on the track and go-fast or slow-just what I can do.
Mission update
This week we saw great success! Elder Adams fasted for me that I would find peace and we would reach our goals. Through the day I would yell-I'm expressing myself in English! It really helps honestly and my Spanish seemed to flow great. I think I've found the balance to a demon I've been fighting for a long time

We went back and visited a couple in their forties-Noe and Norma. They have a son, Juan who the English Elders are teaching that struggles with drugs and hearing voices, very sad. We helped them understand that God is beckoning for them and he invites them to be baptized. Norma has to change her work schedule and Noe still has a lot of questions but they committed to prepare to be baptized on the 18th of November.

Perla is doing great. Though she has many challenges that come from the bad crowd that stops by her house and takes her car, she is being filled with light. it's beautiful.

I'm loving knocking on doors and saying, "hello we're messangers for God!" (our names) we are so excited because the message we bring can bring you so much happiness and peace!" Some people listen others know. Some families invited us to come back and some were home and others not. The point is, We are doing what we can. I'm giving my heart. I will never be enough to help these people in Toppenish but the Lord only asks for us to serve with our might. "our" might! I can't give enough but I can give something and that is good enough for him so it needs to be a good enough for me.
On a huge point-Elder Adams is an angel from heaven. I can honestly say I have never met anyone who loves me as much as him besides my family. 
Elder Rigby
We are so excited to see miracles-we will and ask in faith and we will recieve!


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