Las Frutas Vendran

Hey Hey Everyone! 

Hope you're all having a great day! I sure enjoyed this week and hope you did as well!

Hey Maleck! I hope you have an amazing Halloween tomorrow! I heard you got Contacts and you don't really like them. That makes sense they are probably annoying! A lot of people wear contacts including my friends out here on the mission but it doesn't matter because a lot of the time I have no idea that they have them! Don't worry Maleck you don't look diferent at all! You're a very kind handsome fella nothing can change that! Love you Maleck1

Hey Emma! Heard you got a buck! NICE off the porch too! That's way cool! so proud of you! Can you send me some pictures. I used the supplies you sent me to make some cookies and people really like them! Thanks! There's more than one way to get people more excited to listen to you! I hope you have a great time trick-or-treating and at the party! Love you and best of luck with the sewing! Emma!

Hey Madsen! I heard the tournament went well for baseball! Can't wait to go to the ballpark again to see you play! Thank you for letting me know that you're struggling. I love you Madsen. It makes me sad that you are sad. I imagine right now you are thinking of what you need to do to get our of the struggle you are currently in or in other words move forward. I know that's how I feel and so do all the people we talk to. We all want to be rescued. Madsen one thing that comes to my mind is how Nephi was scared and unsure after his family had gone 3 days in the wilderness. He cried out to the Lord and God was there for him. Madsen God is there for all of us when we cry out to him. He will not be there if we don't cry out! Cry out. Love you Madsen please let me know how your week goes:)I'll pray for you!

Hey Stock! That's a bummer man! Sorry about the hunt it sounds like you and Dad hunted really hard! Now I'm bummed out! Hey effort pays off eventually! Yea I must've gone too hard;) I can do so many pull-ups now that I haven't been able to run for a while haha! I imagine you had a great time with Dad and I'm very excited to hear you're making plans for me and you in the future! So excited we're going to have some great times! I love you Stockton stay strong in the Faith brother I love you!

Hey Dad! Sorry about the hunt! That sounds way frustrating! The candies helped me keep Perla's son Jose quiet during Church thanks! Dad I would have to say that would have to be the #1 thing you have taught me. To serve. I can think back to when I was back home and we were always serving someone. This has changed my life and helped me to love consistently. You'll watch videos and hear more about my Friend Jesus Estrada, a father, apple orchard worker, and fisher/hunter. He and his family came to church this sunday and we discussed hunting and fishing! He said he hunted wild boars and deer in Mexico. He also knows some good fishing spots on the Columbia! I thought you would appreciate this! Maybe we can go on a trip after the mission together!

Hey Mom! I'll start and answer your questions! I ran during the spring and basicaly the whole summer. I did not stretch much during my time with Elder Ramirez and that's when it started to hurt. I've rested it by not running but it hasn't gotten better in 9 weeks. It feels really weak. My interview with President went really well. We focused on how my goal this transfer should be to be happy and have Faith. This interview has led to many other great steps. Such as I am satisfied with keeping the commandments of God and receiving What God gives. For the first time in my life, I am satisfied with doing my best and just having a normal life loving others the best I can. This has brought me a lot of peace!
I am Happy. A little stressed with all our investigators,but hat's a great worry:)
If you could send some stamps that would be awesome! I am so excited to recieve your package. Thank you in advance! I love you Mom I'm starting to see more of a fullness to life. Thank you for believing in me along the way! I love you!

Grandpa Rigby
Grandpa! With the limited time we have I too have looked into the Rigby line. Jane Littlewood was an amazing woman. Thank you for doing all the work you are doing no doubt knowing about our past helps us go forward with faith! Thank you for sending the article I thought that was amazing!:)

Now a mission update

I cannot begin to describe the week we've had my goodness. How blessed am I that I get to serve here in Toppenish at this time! I love Toppenish! Again the videos are GREAT check them out!

Let's hit on some people and some experiences

La Familia Lopez
Last week we visited the whole family and invited them, primarily the father, to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. They did not come to Church yesterday but the 2 oldest girls did(lizet and Jenni) The girls absolutely loved Church and they really like it when we come over. It reminds me of Emma when we knock on their door and they are really happy to see us. 
Last night we went back for an appointment and Jesus had left his wife Maria. Maria was very sad. Elder Adams and I felt prompted to give her a blessing. It was beautiful. I had a wittness as we sat next to her on her porch, and I was reading from the Book of Mormon to her that I was meant to be there.
Joshua Brownowl-Marvalous
I was very tired after church-It went great- and tracting in a Native American neighborhood. I just sat down and look at our plans while this native american/black guy with his bob marley beenie came out and said," hey I'm looking for a church you want to teach me something?" He is actually a singer his name is Marvalous. He sings poetry and he in fact sang us a number. It was quite uplifting. We are giving him a chrurch tour tomorrow.
La Familia Estrada-Bargas
We have been teaching a 14 year old girl named Vanessa. She has been reading the Book of Mormon. We talked with her family while visiting her and invited them to church! They came! They loved it. It seems like they are trying to really change their family for the better. It's beautiful!
Hermana Flores and Hermana Boxer
We've been working with these 2 less active sisters and they came to church. I'm becoming good friends with them both. It's been a tender mercy to see a little bit of their burdens lifted through our service.
We met this 18yr old girl while tracting one day. She was hard to get to but as we followed the spirit and talked about how Christ heals us she opened up. She is part of the Native american belief and she does not believe in God. Her Grandmother died in may(she called her mom) and she has felt ever since like she's been broken inside. We gave her a church tour and she loved it. She couldn't come to church this week because she was helping her brother but is excited to see us wednesday
Jesus Estrada
After contacting an 18 yr old boy and teaching the first lesson we went to go back and his angry brother came very angry to the door. He pushed Elder Adams(not a small fellow off the porch) We then felt prompted to go back. When he didn't answer we felt we needed to sing. We sang I believe in Christ until all the lights were turned off. Not quite sure what to do now with him.
she is moving:( very sad but it will be safer for her in Yakima

We had a beautiful trip to the temple where I felt God was telling me to be more grateful(every word of Spanish and with every fork of food) and then to make exercise enjoyable by playing with Elder Adams so far this has really helped me.

I'm enjoying this. How beautiful it is that we have a Savior.


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