12 years as a member for Elder Rigby

Hola family and friends,

Hey Clyde! I'm so sorry to hear that your computer had to take some time out! I'm so sorry to hear aboout your eyes. I pray that all goes well! Please tell me how it goes! My prayers will be with you! Thanks for the birthday wishes!

Grandpa Rigby
I'm glad you are getting better. I'm so glad you got to church yesterday! Thank you for your story. I read something similar from this last General confernce. (here it is below. I apologize for the spacing troubles I tried to fix it.) I truly hope you get feeling better good friend thank you for the reminder to let go of myself and love others! Thank you for sending a note and some money. Love you.
One day many years ago, visited my mother, who was struggling withcancer. knew that shwas going to die, but was concerned that shewas suffering. didn’t say anything, but knowing me well, she said, “I seethat you are concerned.”
Then to my surprise, she asked me with feeble voice, “Can you teachme how to pray? wanto pray for you. know you start by saying, ‘DearHeavenly Father,’ but then what should say?”
As knelt next to her bed and she prayed for me, felt love never feltbefore. It was simple, true, pure love. Although she didn’t know about theplan of salvation, she had in heheart her personal plan of love, the planof love of mother for her son. She was in pain, struggling to even findthe strength to pray. could barely hear her voice, but surelfelt herlove.
remember thinking, “How can someone who is in such great pain prayfor someone else? She is the one in need.”
Then the answer came clearly tmy mind: pure love. She loveme somuch that she forgot about herself. In her most critical hour, she lovedme more thaherself.
Now, dear brothers and sistersisn’t this what the Savior did? Of course,in an eternal anmuch broader perspective. Buin the midst of Hisgreatest pain, in the garden that nightHe was the one who needed help,suffering in way that we cannot even imagine or comprehend. But inthe end, He forgot about Himself and prayed for uuntil He paid the fullprice. How was He able to do it? Because of His pure love for the Father,who sent Him, and for us. He loved the Father and us more than Himself.
He paid for something that He had not done. He paid for sins that Hehad not committed. WhyPure love. Having paid the full price, He was inthe position to offer us the blessings owhat He paid for if we wouldrepent. Why did He offer this? Again, and always, pure love.
Pure love is the true sign of every true disciple of Jesus Christ.
President Thomas S. Monson said: “May we begin now, this verday, toexpress love to all oGod’s children, whether they be our familymembers, our friends, mere acquaintances, or total strangers. As wearise eacmorning, let us determine to respond with love and kindnes to whatever might come our way.”5
Mom and Dad!- I just want to give a not of love and gratitude. Thank you for helping me get out here. It has shaped me to see what matters most. Not the strengths or the weaknesses but the people we love. I love you both! Keep the prayers coming our way! With enough we could all see a baptism here when you come to Yakima!
Stockton_Hey stockton! you looked great in your BYU pics! Sure looks like you did a great job! Thanks for filling me in with your love life. I think I remember her! She's really kind! Good catch bro! Best of luck as you finish up school! Keep up the good work! Love you bro!
Madsen-Hey Madsen. I heard that your baseball game didn't go so hot. Dad gave me a little bit of what you're going through and I want to say that I remember very similar games. I don't know if you remember but on our homecoming game my senior year a put hit my helmet and went 20yrds back. It was devastating for the team and myself considering I had worked so hard. However Madsen, as I've looked back I've seen that these moments help us to understand thay we are fallen. We cannot save ourselves. For heaven sakes, sometimes we a lot of the times can't even catch a ball and therefore how are we going to ever beat death and sin. Let this remind you Madsen that you're imperfect and you as well as I always need his help. Love you bro! Very impressed with your desire not to be mediocre! I heard about some of your frustrations with friends as well. I feel you brother. Can't wait to be your pal again after we baptize a family or 2 in Washington.
Emma -Best of luck with finishing up school! Mom sent me a picture of you! you've grown up so much! Really cute too! Love you Emma!
Maleck-Hey maleck I heard you gave a whole lesson all by yourself! That a kid! Also saw your picture of pitching on the mound good work! Best of luck with your game a t four today! You're going to kill it! You're team sure is doing well! Thank you so much for helping with the kitchen and best of luck with the testing love you!!!
Edenia and Miguel Urenda
Yesterday we took a "hike out to Tieton" to visit our good friends the Urendas. Edenia has read the first 3 chapters of 1st nephi since this past Monday. We had a great discussion and we were accompanied by the Pimentel couple and their 2 month old boy Santiago. We taught the first part of the plan of salvation using the Book of Mormon. We invited them to be baptized. Miguel hasn't heard the complete restoration and thus was not ready to commit. Edenia however has shown great interest and is very excited to read more. My good friend Hmo. Pimentel sure did a great job of sharing his conversion story and inviting them to read 2 nephi 31. I absolutely love their family. They have 3 boys. It reminded me a lot of what my home must of been like years back! I'm very excited to see what happens this week

Yesenia(young mom of 3)
It has been night to day since the first time we met Yesenia. She has been on fire. She feels that she is just starting to open up to us, and therefore wasn't comfortable with us inviting members to our lesons just yet. She has a had a lot of heart break in her life(x-husband and lack of parental support). We broke down very simply the Book of Mormon and what it means if it is true and how she can come to know if it is true. She is willing to set the goal to prepare to be baptized on the 17 of June. We are going to do a church tour this week.

Leticia and Cesar
This past week we met 37 year old Leticia. She is the mom of 7 kids. She has a sincere desire to help her kids come closer to Christ because she has seen that as they have gone to church they are staying out of trouble:) She didn't specify but she is going through some family struggles and felt that our visit was sent from God. 

Alma and Destiny
The other night we went by a referral of a good sister in our branch Hma Bautista. We met Alma and her husband Mario. They had previously talked to missionaries and are very ready to learn! I went on exchanges the next day and Elder Lowry and Elder Davis(our ZL) helped them establish a baptismal date. they want us to come by regularly so they stay on their spirtual journey to hope! 

Hermana Sumano
We've been trying to help Hma. Sumano take a big step(temple or Pat. Blessing). It seems that our doctorinal converations are only getting her to a certain point so we took up her offer to get some free McDonalds. She seemed so happy that we went by! We are having a family home tonight.

Alex is our Branch mission leader. He's been going through some rough times and thus came to correlation 45 min late. I want to note that he shared his great desire to stop thinking about his burdens and focus more on what he can do to help others. -Great example we have an amazing branch

Elder Lowry
Elder Lowry has made incredible strives. He has begun to kneel in all our prayers, be a more dedicated journal writer, and greater student of the scriptures. I have seen the happiness that has come to his life as he has made these steps. I thought it would be too good to be true that we would be companions this transfer but I guess not. God is good! I have loved the confidence has taken in teaching and helping others. He does so great at inviting people to baptism. His spanish still struggles-just like I was:) However his love for the people is evident. 
One of the things we are going to be working on this transfer is for me to be less afraid to speak up/correct and for him to receive correction. I treasure the relationships I have with my companions and I don't want to hurt their feeling and thus I have become very quiet in some sitiuations in order to choose my battles for what has been most important(obedience and helping the people). Elder Lowry wants to get better at receivng correction so I'm going to speak up a little more:)
I love the man! We are super excited my MTC friend Elder Bergman is coming to our district.
This past week we had the baptism of Elicia Reeves. The girlfriend of a priest in the branch. She does not speak spanish but as she said it she felt like she finally found a family when she came to church. I interviewed her and was able to hear more of her story. I loved it when she told me how she believes that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God. She said that she has only seen light from what he did and therefore it must be true. Her family was not very excited about her choice to let go of the church they were attending to come here but her mom and brother came to the baptism that made me so happy! We had a district meeting this last week on applying teaching skills to technology. Everyone shared a teaching skill from chapter 10. Especially with the people everyone is finding and the new members we are adding to our district I can't wait to find what happens! I had an exchange with Elder Hoolgland this last week and he is doing fantastic. I love how great of a listener he is. He has done great work in the YV zone. I will miss him

The talk from President Lewis and President Packard really imapacted me yesterday. I learned from president the importance of quieting inner noises of fear/stress/thoughts to listen to the spirit. From Pres. Packard I learned how all the commandments/covenants we have are focused on improving our relationships with our brothers and sisters and our father in Heaven. I love the truthfulness of this principle and the spiritual confirmation I received that truly our father in Heaven's greatest desire is that our relationship with him improves. The focus of our lives must be relationships.


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