Hitting Stride- meeting Elder Anderson

Buenas Como estan Familia! Espero Toda esta bien y todas cosas estan mejorando cada dia para que realizen el amor de Jesus!

Hey Hey It's Me Elder Rigby again! Again is my letter below to my mission president! To answer some of Mom's questions before I get in trouble

Rosi and her boy Diego and her little girls allyson and Nicole are doing fantastic! They are becoming converted. You will hear more about them in my videos. We will probably have to move their baptism to July 1

We have not been able to meet with Romona and her boys this week. I don't know what's going on but we are tomorrow at 4! we need to find a member for them. When we drive around town I am constantly texting to get members and young men to come out with us but I haven't quite got a man to come with us to visit her family!
Olivia seemed to fall off the face of the Earth! don't worry a Rigby doesn't give up with someone who has potential!

My Spanish is getting better everyday but its a slow process when we speak English a lot as well! I try to speak as much as I can without throwing myself off balance!
You will get many videos and pictures that describe my experience with Elder Andersen. I want to say I knew he was an apostle when I saw him! It was amazing I actually passed off a scripture from the new testament in front of him and both the Yakima and Washington mission presidents! Boy, Was I nervous but Hey i did it! He even corrected me when I said John 10:25 instead of John 11:25. I felt quite honored honestly! 

I don't know what the adventure is to today but we will have one!

Emma I wish you great luck with your games today and tomorrow you are going to do great I am so proud that you have gotten out of your comort zone and have taken basketball head on!
Madsen you just keep going don't you brother! I remember last year when I went up to that tournament with you! You have grown so much in your skills and who you are as a person I am so thrilled!
Stockton  I want you to know that you can do this. I don't know how you feel. I can examine and understand what stress and frustration you may feel as the team moves into football camp and you can only jog. You have such a load on you as quarterback and not being able to prepare fully physically because of your ankle must be so hard. Stockton I love you and I'm proud that you are moving forward with Faith. Please use this time to truly turn to the Lord beg for his help. He will give you strength and peace. Turn it over to him. This will be a moment that will define you or break you. Everyday of my mission I turn to my sophomore year and how I nearly broke completely. This experience and the ones you already have will do the same for you. I want to hear how you're doing please let me know.
Maleck I hope you're stayin cooler than cool. we ate with a family with 4 boys the other day and Maleck one of them reminded me of you. Miss you man! hope you have an awesome week!
Mom you seem really busy! Thank you for your email and your words they really cheer me up! Good luck with Girls camp and your article you can do it all!
Dad I'm writing you a letter but I really enjoyed your letters and will read them again I am reading your mission journals and it is helping me. Thank you for working hard to be a great Dad even before I was born. I love you Dad happy father's day!

Dear President,
It was great to see you on Saturday during the Mission gathering! You always have much to do but it meant the world to me that you took a second to say hello and ask me if I was doing better!

I read about accountability today. I'm going to be more accountable. I'm going to point out
what I've learned
the needs of the people
my desires
what I need to...
change, improve, and do to help them progress. 
These factors will determine my goals. I know that as I am more accountable I will be able to see what I am doing/becoming because I love Heavenly Father. This will bring me Joy!

I am doing better, and if you're not better after an Apostle of the Lord came there may be something wrong. It doesn't seem to make much sense but it is as if I'm going through a major shift in my life. Since last Monday afternoon I've learned some very key principles.

Earlier this week God was teaching me how to pray. I felt inspired to look towards chapter 4 in preach my gospel and 2 nephi 4.

35 Yea, I know that God will give liberally to him that asketh. Yea, my God will give me, if I ask not amiss; therefore I will lift up my voice unto thee; yea, I will cry unto thee, my God, the rock of my righteousness. Behold, my voice shall forever ascend up unto thee, my rock and mine everlasting God. Amen.

I felt strongly in my heart that prayer is the foundation of my life. My relationship with my father in heaven determines my destiny. I need to make it a number one priority! As I have done this my week has been much more enjoyable because I have the spirit.
Goal #1 pray like Nephi 

Also during the course of this week Elder Najarian has let me speak up more. Oh I feel so much better! I feel worth something! I'm a great missionary! Also, Elder Najarian helped me realize one night while we were laying in our beds I don't need to try so hard to give them an opportunity to believe. Sometimes I talk with a "spirt" voice he calls it. I just need to be myself, speak with my own voice and they will feel the spirit. As I have spoken more and with my own voice I have enjoyed the work more! This is great!
Goal #2 Be myself when talking to others

The Mission gathering was absolutely incredible! These are my take aways...
1. begin memorizing 10 scriptures from BOM and 10 from New testament-Goal #3
2. Jesus Christ and his attonement allow us to be free to achieve our dreams (2 Nephi 2:26) Set your Goals, your dreams, and go forward with Faith. I may not see it yet but if I act with an eye of hope, one day I will have it! I can achieve!-I will set my dreams of what I wish of the mission(ex. 25 years in Cedar City eating with a family that we found and baptized with my son who will go on a mission the following year)-Goal #4
I am particuarly thrilled with this one because Faith chases away fear! I'm done being afraid that I can't!
3. I loved Elder Andersen's guidance of how we need to use our time.
Part member families
Less Actives
Finding Creative ways to find(very excited with this one because Hood River has 20,000 tourists coming next month and school is getting out, also we are focusing on our best members and meeting with one family every night to briefly inspire them and help them set goals to invite others to come unto Christ so we can teach them) 
We will make special efforts to...
coordinate with the ward organizations to help LA's and PMF's 
Get young men out with us or visit La young men
Find new ways to find-we went street contacting this week downtown, lots of fun (all of this goal #6)

With our people this week we had 2 lessons at the Church with Rosi and her kids with 2 different families. They are reading the Book of Mormon, Praying everyday, and they came to Church. They are doing very well. It's a true Miracle. Strange things have been happening at their home we went and gave it a blessing. Rosi was a little nervous at church but she loved getting to know some of the members this week. They brought her in with open arms! Everyone said hello to her. Though Diego didn't like singing time he had a good time and so did his younger Sisters. Miracle!

We also had a great week with Will. Thanks to I believe Elder Olson's remarks on exchanges he is acting on his desire of returning to God he also came to church. He is getting married this coming week to a nonmember we really need to get him a good friend and let him open up more so we can help him!

We did so much finding this week(tracting, visiting LA, PMF, service) This is what we recieved from these efforts
Painted a young couples (Jose and Jenifer) porch in proselyting clothes while teaching the restoration. We will go back and follow up on pray to know through the holy ghost.
We found Leslie again. Shared the restoration. She is 17 going to be a senior. loved the Book of Mormon. Going to read it. She is honestly searching for the truth.
Our good friend Victor who left to pick fruit in California came back we will be teaching him this week seriously

I have great faith the miracles will come! I know that as I truly rely on the Lord as I love him and his Children I will find great Joy in helping others become redeemed through Christ!

sorry long email but I'm so excited!

Elder Rigby
Can you find Elder Rigby


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