May 22, 2017

Hello Everyone!

Mission Exchanges
My testimony:
Our Heavenly Father Loves us. We lived with him before this life. We are literally his children. I know this because of the scriptures and also because I've asked him myself.

God, our heavenly father, wants us to become stronger and better so he sent us to Earth. We all make mistakes and sin so Heavenly Father sent a Savior, Jesus Christ who paid for our sins and if we follow his teachings, The gospel of Jesus Christ, we can be truly happy in this life and return to live with our Father in heaven!

Because God loves us since the beginning of time he has used guides, called prophets, to help people follow Jesus Christ. Prophets write scripture. We can find scripture in the bible. Prophets also testified that Jesus would come and eventually he came!

Jesus came and conquered death and sin by suffering more than we can imagine. He is our Savior He taught us how we can follow him to find true happiness and return home to live with our father in heaven. He taught us that we must believe in him. He taught us to become better by loving others and turn to him for forgiveness when we make mistakes. He taught us that we can become clean if we are baptized the way he was. He showed us and taught us that there is hope even in the darkest times if we remember him and trust him always.
Jesus established his Church. He called helpers to help people follow him. They're called apostles.  Jesus gave them power and authority to help other people follow him. He gave them power to teach and power to do baptisms. 

Jesus Christ died and then defeated death by rising from the tomb. He left his church with his helpers the apostles but when the people killed the apostles his church fell, and many parts of his path to happiness were lost.
Many people for thousands of years didn't know where to go. They tried their best but because Jesus' apostles were gone no one had the permission and power of God to help the people follow Jesus Christ and find true happiness. 
Stake Conference
Something happened in 1820 changed all of that. There was a young boy named Joseph Smith, who like many who came before him wondered how he must follow Jesus Christ in order to return home to live with God. He went to many churches but it only made him confused because they all said something different. One day he went to ask God for himself what Church he needed to join in order to follow Jesus Christ. He knelt down and asked God what Church he should join. In his own words this is what he said happened...

I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head above the brightness of the sun that descended gradually until it fell upon me when the light rested upon me I saw 2 personages who's brightness and glory defy all description standing above me in the air one of them spoke unto me, called me by name, and said pointing to the other this is my beloved son hear him.

Our heavenly father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph smith. I know this happened because I feel it in my heart. Jesus Christ really lives he told Joseph to join none of the churches but that in time he would, through him, restore his church so we can follow Jesus Christ completely and return home someday. Joseph smith was chosen as a prophet.
The book of Mormon is evidence that Joseph smith is a prophet of God and Today God's church is on the earth again. If we read the book of Mormon and ask God to know if it is true we will know that Jesus is the Christ, Joseph was chosen by him to be a prophet and show us how to follow Jesus.

Knowing all these things by reading the Bible and the Book of Mormon and asking God what I need to do to follow him has changed my life completely. I know that God is my father and if I follow his son I will some day leave all my troubles, fears, disappointments and sa

dness behind. The book of Mormon lets me know I can overcome my struggles. I know it's true
In the name of Jesus Christ Amen

Adventure run with Elder Najarian
This week lots of fun on monday went on a super fun adventure run and then we helped a lady with her flat tire on the way home. We also found a single mom and helped her know that she is a daughter of God she was very sad so it was amazing that we found her. Tuesday we went by our main investigators. Luz-60's grandma Julia-daughter Janet-grandaughter. We taught them the restoration and they want to be baptized! Wednesday we sent to seminary in the morning, helped a member move a huge pile of dirt with shovels and a wheel barrow. we also had a lesson with Josh. Josh is so scared to commit. I don't know why. We invited him to read alma 32. He didn't want to meet up with us again later in the week.
Thursday we met a witch. A nice one don't worry. I learned that praying while I'm running makes the experience quite joyful and not painful!. We tracted the whole day and found no one!!! it was awful. I had a hard time finding confidence it was sad.
Friday I ran through the book of Mormon with 11 year old Janet while E. Najarian helped her grandmother understand it in spanish. I felt a little like I was teaching Emma. She understands it so well! It just warms my heart to see someone like her understand that God lives and loves her and the Book of Mormon is proof of that.
Saturday I went on exchanges with Elder Bird. He gave me a boost and helped me remember I'm a pretty cool guy! He is an english missionary so when we found some hispanic guys working I was the only one able to talk to them. It was super cool! I feel so blessed!
On Sunday we had an awesome time at stake conference I felt a strong impression to learn more about my ancestors! I'm so excited! we also found 3 new investigators-miracle!!! one of the times I was sharing the first vision and this older mexican lady burst into tears it was just beautiful. You know I'm not perfect but I sure love sharing the truth. I'm breaking out of this rut!
I'm sorry I haven't checked the mail quite yet so I don't know if you sent me something!
Visited a cemetery- love you mama
If you guys could send me information about my ancestors starting with all my great grandparents that would be awesome!
Stockton, emma, maleck, Madsen! listen up enjoy your last week of school and stay out of trouble! I love you a ton! I'm having a great time! I'm making this a lot more fun! wish me luck!
Stockton my pat. blessing has helped me so much know who I am I strongly encourage you to prepare to get one soon! Love you all Best of luck with the baseball games this week Madsen and Maleck! Maleck you're a great hitter you're going to do awesome this week! 
Love you all
Elder Rigby!


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