Mid week surprise from Sister Lewis

 This past Wednesday, I received a surprise text from Sister Ann Lewis - she is Elder Rigby's Mission President's wife.  It couldn't have come on a better day as my heart needed some lifting.  I am so grateful to my son for serving a mission with his whole heart!  His dedication to the Lord is an example to our entire family!  We love you Elder Rigby

Friday Morning Maleck jotted down this cute note to Elder Rigby- it made me laugh and cry!
 From Sister Lewis's mission facebook page " Next stop up the road was Brewster where these four Elder serve.  Brewster is a small community filled with lots of love.  Missionaries love serving there."
                                       Elder Rigby and Elder Nelson

Also from Sister Nelson's post  was listed Elder Rigby's New Year's Resolution (Elder Rigby):  Something I want to do: Leave myself, be more grateful.  Something I want to become: A powerful disciple of Jesus Christ.

I can't wait until Monday to hear more from Elder Rigby!


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