The fire hose- Brewster
Dear friends and family, This week was like drinking from a fire hose-in a good way! I loved having zone conference and then the world wide missionary broadcast the very next day! I learned so many things but above all I learned so much about desire. Going away from zone conference I honestly came away with one big question "what do I want?" This week after some pretty deep thinking I came away with...I want to be happy with my family now and forever! How I do that is the real question, but I have God so I'm not worried! I know I need to become better to be the brother, son, husband, and Father my family needs/will need but I know as well that becoming is a process. We learned about this process so much in the broadcast! This process is called The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Elder Bednar emphasized how the Gospel isn't a series of check marks of 2.repentance 3.baptism and receiving the holy ghost 4. enduring to the end it is a pathway where ...