
Showing posts from June, 2017

Este Bien Caliente

Hola Familia! My videos will be on their way! I'm doing great! I wanted to give a shout out to my good friend grandpa Jake for his great letter to me thank you bud! Love you! I appreciate your words I will pray often thank you!  Mom-sure looks like you have been busy! Wow way to be Mom you are incredible! I'm so glad girls camp went so well! I loved the pictures you sent me you look so happy! Mom Romona wasn't there for our lesson. we will have to drop her:( and Olivia won't give us time:( I really apreciated the last lines of your email! Love you! Dad-I really appreciate your letter as well as the package dad! You rock! I hope All-stars, Richfield property, business, and prep for the camp go well this week I love you Dad! Stockton- Way to be stockton you are getting super strong! That's my Bro! I'm so proud of you for being a great Brother to Madsen! I'll put more effort in this week to pray for you and your ankle! Honestly, just keep it up

Buenas Familia

Hello Everyone!  I loved the picture you all sent me! You look very tough! Stockton Hey Brother It so good to hear from you! I'm glad to hear your ankle is making some progress! I hope your jobs are going well and you are finding joy amidst this hard time! Thanks for sending 2 emails this week. On your question. Stockton. Where do you want to end up  in one year?  The devil is trying his hardest to get you and you are going to have to make decisions. What has really helped me make big decisions in my life and on my mission is my patriarchal blessing and morning prayer by myself out loud and reading a little scripture. Stockton as your big brother that loves you so much please do these things and listen for God while you do them. You are amazing man! This next year will define the next 10 years of your life. I'll be honest. You're are going to do such a great job. You've overcome so much! i'm so proud of you! Madsen Thank you for saying that! It m

Hitting Stride- meeting Elder Anderson

Buenas Como estan Familia! Espero Toda esta bien y todas cosas estan mejorando cada dia para que realizen el amor de Jesus! Hey Hey It's Me Elder Rigby again! Again is my letter below to my mission president! To answer some of Mom's questions before I get in trouble Rosi and her boy Diego and her little girls allyson and Nicole are doing fantastic! They are becoming converted. You will hear more about them in my videos. We will probably have to move their baptism to  July 1 We have not been able to meet with Romona and her boys this week. I don't know what's going on but we are  tomorrow  at 4! we need to find a member for them. When we drive around town I am constantly texting to get members and young men to come out with us but I haven't quite got a man to come with us to visit her family! Olivia seemed to fall off the face of the Earth! don't worry a Rigby doesn't give up with someone who has potential! My Spanish is getting better ever

I am Seleck Rigby

Hey Team! It's Elder Rigby! It seems you're all balling it up in your own sort of way! Emma I already wrote to you but I really hope the summer games basketball goes really well for you! Madsen and Maleck! You're both pitching pretty well so I hear! Way to go guys! Know there's a funny lookin' guy with a white shirt and name tag cheering you on here in Hood River! Stockton my good friend, 5 part time jobs! That's crazy! You're incredible! Honestly I'm so proud of you. Mom sent me a few words on how your ankle is really taking it's tole on you. That sounds hard man. I want you to know this is preparing you for life. I'm not going to sugar coat it but this mission is kicking me in the face. life hurts man! you got this though you're Stockton Rigby you've done hard things before you can do this.  Mom I'm so glad our family has you and that Stockton has you just like I had you before. We are so lucky to have you. You'